Wednesday, May 13, 2009


As many might find out about me, I strongly believe that motivation is one of the most import tools that an educator can have in his/her classroom.  Motivation can work in many ways for you in classroom and in life.  If you can motivate students to learn and work hard at what they do they will not only accomplish what you expect them to do but they will exceed well beyond.  They will have the heart and desire to accomplish something for themselves and for others.  I see in some classrooms that I have observed that unmotivated students sit in their desks and dread every passing moment.  When you see that a teacher has the power to motivate the students they seem to respect that specified teacher, and they also excel at tasks in front of them.

When these students leave the classrooms for the last time, they will remember those teacher who pushed them to become something better.  They will take that motivation you gave them to motivate other around them.

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