Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Thinking back to my days back in high school, I can recall many times where I would pull "pranks" on my teacher or just give them a hard time.  When I think harder about it, I can see that I only gave a select few teachers a hard time.  The others I was respectful and in my eyes a good and fun student.  But why the difference in behavior? Was it because the subject wasn't my favorite?

No, the reason why some teacher got respect from me was because they gave me respect first.  The teachers who did not judge me becasue of my brother, or judged me because I was a little bit excited to be with my friends again in the first week recieved an equal respect from me.  I feel that teachers have the power to make a classroom full of respectful students if they set their ways to respect the students for who they are.

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